The Young Ryders Street Team (YRST) is a group of passionate people who promote and market an event, product, participate in fundraisers, rallies and community socials. Working a combination of both online and other online tactics, this street team help get the word out on a much more personal and direct level. YR Street Teams typically work on a volunteer basis. Usually, it’s a passion for the artist, venue, foundation, or festival that drives a team to get involved and help spread the word while maintaining safe and practical working environments and procedures as we all adapt to the unforeseen circumstances we are facing during this time.
The term “Street Team” in the program Young Ryders Street Team is a term used in marketing to describe a group of people who ‘hit the streets’ promoting an event, fundraiser, product, visibility in the community and interaction with non-profit organizations and business to showcase a brand. The functionality of the YRST are promotional and networking tools that Ruff Ryders Lifestyles have adopted as a standard line item in marketing budgets, and operations. The YRST is a group of passionate young enthusiast who volunteer to promote and market an event, product, participate in fundraisers, rallies, community socials etc. These individuals will assist in person, and online to help get the word out on a much more personal; walk a mile in your shoes experience (age appropriate, following CDC and local government guidelines and recommendations).
As a member you will also provide support to other YR teams within this program by volunteering in competitive events and cross-marketing.
To help inspire your passion, this team will often work for non-monetary incentives, which can include things like free concert tickets, products, merchandise, meet-and-greets, and more. Being a member of the YR Street Team is a powerful way to engage your most passionate community members who share the same goals to make positive impacts, be role models, learn the business of marketing and networking, especially help spread the word about that amazing fundraiser you will be a part of, or community event. With the right combination of passion, action, and incentives, they’ll be a win for everyone involved.
Once you are registered and assigned “prospect” status, there is a 30 day “prospecting” period that takes place. This process allows you to see firsthand what a day in the life looks like as well as identifies the roles and responsibilities. As a prospect, you may be tasked to volunteer in opportunities for our youth to engage with other teams, community leadership, enhance communication skills but most importantly, a platform to pursue your goals with the support of fellow members within the Ruff Ryders to the Rescue foundation.
Our goal is for everyone to have fun, learn, and conquer those ambitions you have together in your community. As a member you will also provide support to other YR teams within this program by volunteering in competitive events and cross-marketing.